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Stylus Cover for Permanent Jewelry Welders Prevents Jabs and Pokes

Stylus Cover for Permanent Jewelry Welders Prevents Jabs and Pokes

Thane Kennedy Sunstone Product Manager

By Thane Kennedy

Product Manager


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I've been working with Orion permanent jewelry welders for more than ten years. And I have the scratch and jab marks to prove it! Accidental contact with the electrode doesn't happen every day, but occasionally I move my hand past the stylus without thinking and I may get a quick poke or scratch. Certainly, its not a big deal; I've never had to reach for a bandage. Nonetheless, I've always had my eye out for an easy, quick solution to prevent unintended jabs and scratches.

I'm pleased to show you what I found, thanks to a jeweler I met in Tucson. The Stylus Cover is a short, synthetic, soft rubber cap that fits over the end of the stylus, covering the electrode and preventing unwanted contact. The Stylus Cover is 1.875 inches long with a .75 inch diameter. You purchase a Stylus Cover for $4.99 plus shipping.

Let Me Share a Few Tips:

First, don't pull the Stylus Cover very far over the stylus. You only want to cover the electrode, so there's no need to pull the Stylus Cover as far up as it will go. As a result, the Stylus Cover is much easier to remove.

Second, keep the Stylus Cover on whenever your permanent jewelry welder is not in use.

Third, place the Stylus Cover in a pocket or drawer when you're using your permanent jewelry welder. From experience I can tell you that if you place the Stylus Cover next to your welder it will quickly go missing. 

Fourth, don't be tempted to buy one for every welder you own. You should purchase a few extra. The go missing quickly (see my previous tip).

Click Here to Order your own Stylus Cover. You can also call or text us at +1 801-658-0015.

See the Stylus Cover at PJX

At the Permanent Jewelry Expo (PJX) at Caesars Palace (May 30-June1, 2023) you'll be able to touch and feel the Stylus Cover yourself. Click Here to Register or learn more about PJX.


Article précédent How Touchscreen Welders Make Permanent Jewelry Welding Easier

Have any questions?

Reach out to speak with a Permanent Jewelry Expert by calling +1 801-658-0015 or by filling out the contact form linked here.

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